Thursday, June 10, 2010

I like stability!  Repeats are great.  As I get older (just turning 60 this month) I find that routine is just fine more and more.  Somehow it seems to make life easier.  Get up at the same time...go to the same barista for morning the same route to work each day...manage the same tasks and coworkers...take your meds at the same the same TV shows...go to bed at the same time...they all add up to a full and enjoyavble life.  

Add too much additional drama to the mix and life seems a little off kilter.  I don't like being off kilter.  

This past year has been full of additional drama.  We see it playing out in our national politics, in our local communities, in the lives of our friends and even in our own.  It feels disconcerting to me.  As a nation it seems like we are at war with ourselves.  There is not a defined enemy other than "its the other guy" and we really don't have a clear definition of who that is except for anyone who does not profess the same values you or I hold so dear.  And, that just does not make too much sense.

We all know that it takes diversity for life to work.  We see it in nature.  When too much inbreeding happens dramatic changes occur.  Changes that are not good.  The same is true when we want everyone to do the same thing or think alike.  We very quickly become a herd of sheep headed for the cliff.  A very high cliff.

I have started to pray that I could find some leadership to support that would not be quite so polarizing and that would be clear in what it stands for.  It seems to me that we don't need more drama, finger pointing or blasting away at the other guys but clear and concise statements of understanding and knowing exactly where we stand on the issues.  I need a national cheerleader who can cheer me on towards the future.  Some one who can pull us back from the brink of the cliff.  

Please, please show your self!

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