Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Memory with Bedford Hicks

One of my old friends past on today.  

He was ancient by my way of thinking.  He is the father of a beautiful redhead I dated during high school.  That was almost 42 years ago.  She, I liked very much.  Oh, that red hair.  I liked her mom and brother too.  I really liked her sister (who married one of my best friends) but I was absolutely terrified of her dad.  I thought that he might enjoy having my ass for dinner just because he could.  And, he did, on multiple occasions.  Just because he could.

Later on a few years, I remember going on a fishing trip with Bedford and one of his doctor friends.  I think the reason we (my best friend who married his daughter and I) went with him was that he owned a motor home and that was way more exciting than sleeping on the ground or in the pickup bed.  He and the doc had the bedroom, my friend got the couch and I slept on the floor. 

The TV played from the time we left home until we arrived back there after a week of fishing.  He never turned the thing off.  One time I tried to turn it off and he just roared at me.  Once, while he was sleeping (really snoring and snorting loudly with an occasional gasp for more air) using the remote control, I started to turn the volume down one click at a time over perhaps 15 minutes, so I could sleep without the TV playing reruns of Mr. Ed or The Twilight Zone.  Finally, the volume was down to almost or two more had to really work to hear it...and I was feeling like a million dollars with sleep just starting to wash over me.  Oh, sleep, quiet sleep, what blessedness it gives the soul. 

Inever made it to that last click.  Bedford sucked air just enough to momentarily wake up.  "Who turned off the TV," he roared, 'I was watching that!"  He instantly knew it was me who had turned it off.  No one else would dare do such a thing.  "It's not off, the picture is still on, watch-a-way all you want", I said.  Didn't work.  He made me turn up the volume on the damn thing.  I thought of pulling a tube out of the back but there was none.  Awe shucks!

Another memory on the same trip was that Bedford and the Doc would consume alarming amounts of Vodka.  They would start at breakfast with Vodka and orange juice, at lunch it was Vodka and Coke-a-Cola and by the time dinner was over it was just straight Vodka.  

I'm not much of a drinker, but it seemed to me that one bottle of Vodka a day per man should be enough to really leave one plastered and sleep should come easy and hard.  Not so with Bedford.  The more he consumed the more easy going he was with everyone else and the more he enjoyed torturing me. 

There were ways of getting even with him though.   My wife has always had this fancy of hiding embarrassing things in my clothes or fishing gear.  One trip it might be some fancy lacey underware or perhaps a leapord print bra.  I have quite a collection now. On this trip she had purchased what could only be called a cleverly comical guys G-string  Complete with a face, hat and giant nose.  I found it and quickly hid it in Bedford's stuff.

Sometime after dinner he found it and was mad as hell.  He came storming out of the bedroom waving this thing all around in the air, making gestures and yelling words that still burn my ears all these years later.   The motor home was rocking from side to side, dishes tumbling into the sink and glasses spilling, people jumping to get out of his way.   He looking for me!  Once again, he knew it was me who had planted this obscene thing in his precious stuff.  But, Oh what a laugh we all had.  It took some time, but even Bedford began to laugh at Pierre.  

Memories.  These are all I have left of my precious friend, just memories.  Good by old friend, we will miss you.

Monday, May 17, 2010

God is Good

What a weekend. Hard work on Saturday and rest on Sunday. Just how it is supposed to be.

Saturday I finished the greenhouse for Lola. This is something she has wanted since we moved to Washington 8 years ago. Now she has a place to start her vegies and plants to get an early start on the growing season.

Sunday we took time just for ourselves. After a wonderful time at church we went to lunch. We were the first people in the restaurant - a little mariachi music in the background and a nice young lady who kept our chips and salsa full. What more can you ask for?

We took a nice 20 mile drive through the country on the way home, cows in the fields, geese in the meadows, horses at the fence waiting for someone to feed them a carrot or apple. The windows were rolled down and we could hear the birds singing above the low roar of the wind in our hair. How nice it is to relax.

Home and a nap! Never got the nap but home was really nice. We did crawl into bed for some youthful fun and that always has a way of straightening out whatever it is that gets me kinked up. It somehow reshuffles my hard drive and gets my brain working again.

This is all so wonderful because heading into Friday, both Lola and I were getting more and more messed up. She was suffering from depression and I was reacting poorly. I accused her of not taking her meds and she accused me of ...well, being me. Ouch.

We missed our granddaughters recital because neither of us wanted to be in a crowd of people. We wanted some time to ourselves without the need to interact with others. There are just times when quiet and hard work are therapeutic. And, that is what both of us needed.

Now the chore is to find a way to say 'I'm sorry' to Kayla. Perhaps a special concert just for Nana and Papa might help.

All that said, it's Monday morning and the gray clouds are gone. God has help to restore our souls once again. How amazing He is.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day at Rock Prairie

I asked my wife what she wanted for Mothers day this year and she replied with this question: 'Can I have anything I want'? Yes Dear, anything you want. This is your day. 'I don't want to go to church. I need some time away from people!'  

She chose to spend the day at our home on Rock Prairie. Breakfast out at the local (only) restaurant with all the other Rock Prairieites. We, of course, went in blue jeans, our normal dress code, and felt somewhat over dressed. I didn't have any suspenders on and she didn't have her hair up in honeybun or whatever they call that now days.

After breakfast we went shopping. Well, we went up to the old Barn looking for some dogwood trees. Her (our) children had given her some funds to purchase a tree or two. They had a lot of trees but not the one she was looking for. So we packed it up and started for home discouraged a little. Then we took off for the next town down the Oregon Trail about 20 miles away. As we drove down the highway I mentioned that this is one of my favorite roads to travel. It goes through a lot of farms and follows a river for a good while. Green, slow, peaceful.  I really love this drive.

After about 20 minutes of this most of her discouragement was ebbing away. Walking through the nursery and touching all the plants seemed to heal whatever was bothering her. She was smiling. Then she said to the clerk, 'I want this one...and this one...oh, and that one. WHAT? All I could see was WORK coming.  I mean we live in Rock Prairie...the name fits.

We brought the trees home and started to do you keep the mole from eating the new roots? Ah! We planted them in chicken wire baskets set in the ground. Hope it works. Some how it just takes dirt under her finger nails to make the couds go away. She spent the whole day working at planting trees and other items in the yard as well as making a few modification to the chicken coops in the back. At one time I caught her just sitting in the middle of the chicken coop playing with the two new turkey chicks. She was actually lying down in the hay letting them climb on her - giggling all the while. What ever it takes for those smiles! I love it. 

Me? I went in and cleaned up the kitchen, washed the dishes, thought about doing some laundry (not) and settled in my easy chair with a cold soda. It was turning out to be a good day at Rock Prairie.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

It's going to be a good day!

Hey, it's going to be a good day. I'm vertical, not horizontal! Lola pushed me out of bed with her feet and said 'get your a** in gear you ol' coote! So here I am. Haven't been called that for a while.

We moved my African Violets to a new location and they seem to be really happy. Some have leaves taht are as big as the palm of your hand. Others are full of new blooms. My orchids are blooming with new spikes. Not sure what color they are. I think a green-yellow mix with some small brown spots. They should open in a couple of weeks.

Just imagine...growing orchids in your kitchen in WA. Who would have thought that could happen. I mean it is 34 degrees outside this morning. And we thought summer was here. It is supposed to be in the mid seventies this weekend. Maybe it is.

Got to go...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Would to God that All

"Would to God that all the party names and unscriptural phrases and forms which have divided the Christian world were forgot, and that we might all agree to sit down together, as humble, loving disciples, at the feet of our common Master, to hear His word, to imbibe His Spirit, and to transcribe His life in our own." (January 4, 1754 - John Wesley)

My son-in-law’s father put this quote on his Facebook page. For some reason it just struck me – humbly sitting down together – or rather sitting down together, humbly. There is a difference. The first implys individuals humbling themselves before meeting as an assembly of peers and the latter implies that the group humbles themselves collectively as they begin to contemplate an action.

How much better it would be if we were to follow this ageless direction for our lives as believers. Many things find ways to divide us and the real message gets lost in all our bickering. I was reminded in class yesterday of the importance of sharing the Good News with those around me to help ensure that they too have a chance to sit at the Masters feet and hear His word.

There is so much in this quote. ‘Would to God that all…’ Me, you, we are each included. It is collective and encompassing. But it is so much more. Not just those of us that are living and breathing beings, but the thoughts and ideals we hold do dear. Those same thoughts and idea, are what divide us, as we find it so difficult to reconcile the differentness of our thoughts, wisdoms and teachings on a given tenant or doctrine.

‘All that divides the Christian world’ – whew, that’s a lot! What is it that divides you and me? What are the issues that cause us to think ill of one another? What is it that keeps us from joining together as one to worship the Master and Savior together? Why are these things so important that we allow them to divide us? The easy answer is to blame it all on Satan. But somehow I think that, while he may hold some of the blame, I too, am indicted by my own actions and words. This is the most troubling part of the paradox for me.

“Me? How can that be? It’s not me, it’s them. I mean, just look at them carrying on and on deriding what I believe. How can they do that? No, how can they think that way? It’s just not right! How stupid can you g…?” And so on goes the conversation in my head. And what does it get me? A poke in the ribs from my wife…that’s just for starters. Actually, what it gets me is discouraged. Frustrated that we let such seemingly petty things get in the way of sharing the Good News and helping others to find Him, the One Who is Able to Save, the Redeemer. Somehow this conversation always casts a pall over spirit and my bright outlook gets dulled. That part IS Satan’s work. But I own the rest. Dwelling and continued contemplation on the differences and working myself up so I say angry words or begin to plot hurtful words to fling back. That part is ME.

Oh my, but I could go on for a long time. The me part again. BUT, this should be about HIM. What would He want me to do? In my heart I know what it is. He would, and does, want me to share - if we will let Him into our heart, lives and thoughts He promises that we will have eternal life with Him in return. It really is that simple.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul

Today I was witness to one of the most astounding baptism services in my 60 years of following Christ.  A new fellowship of believers, new friends, God’s amazing presence, and testimonies of how He has changed believer’s lives were all very much a part of this wonderful time.

My experience is that baptism always seemed to be solemn affair, almost like, well, communion - here, today, it was a celebration with everyone clapping and shouting encouragement – all while loud celebratory and praiseworthy music was being played and we congregants worshiped the All Mighty God, The Savior and Redeemer of Life.

In God’s presence is an amazing place to be!

Perhaps Robert Coleman says it best.  “It is beautiful to contemplate the nature of deity and to bask in His glory.  This is really what worship is – the adoring response of the creature to the infinite majesty of God.  While it presupposes submission to Him, worship, in its highest sense, is not supplication for needs, or even thanksgiving for blessings, but ‘the occupation of the soul with God Himself.’  Whatever the means – preaching and hearing of the Word, celebration of the sacraments, singing of hymns, offering of prayers, quiet meditation – the end of it all is the pure joy of magnifying the One who alone is worthy.”

Today that ‘pure joy of magnifying the One who alone is worthy’ was part of the baptism of believers.  Hallelujah, amen!