Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In todays hustle and bustle it seems so hard to take time to stop and clear my head of all that is going on around me. There is always some new electronic gadget or program to learn, some noise maker to fill my life with sound and distraction from what is important - focusing on God and His love for me and you.

This morning I made an attempt at coping with uncluttering my mind and focusing on Him. It was a lot harder than I thought. I was thinking that I would skip jumping in the hot tub at 5AM like I usually do each morning, turn on some soft southing, restful music, plop down in my rocking chair and unfill my mind. The only problem is that I could not shut it down enough to start downloading. I could not find a way to decompress. It is like I'm stuck in the fast lane and cannot get over through all the other traffic to the slow lane so I can exit the roadway. My brain is engaged before my body is ready to even get to the starting line.

Vacation is coming in a few days. Hopefully I will be able to find a way to renew my soul and find a way to think again. Its like I need to reboot, throw out some old files so that there will be room for the new. I guess I am tired of overwriting and need a new, bigger hard drive with some unused disk space.

Lord, help me to find a way to start each day with you and find a way to force the world and all its distractions out of my life for a few moments each morning so I may quietly commune with you. Lord, help me slow down and think on you and your word each morning. Help me to find a way to quietly listen for and to your quiet voice. I need your word and direction in my life - more now than ever before.

Thank you Lord, thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for waiting quietly and not giving up on me. Thank you for the occasional head slap. Thank you for ... well ... all you do for me. You provide blessing in my life and the lives of those around me. We have so much in the way of your blessing. Thank you.


troutbirder said...

Retirement, flyfishing & a hike with my GSD works for me. Good luck!

Mamamax said...

hmmm guess I better learn how to leave you alone :-) Looking forward to that rebooting.