Wednesday, August 18, 2010

‘Conversion means a turning, moving round a corner. It can be a sharp, sudden, hairpin bend, as was Paul’s on the road to Damascus, or it can be a gentle, open curve, in which we change our direction only gradually. It is the Holy Spirit who does the work of sanctification, pulling us round the bend. ‘ **

Is it fair to say that some of us are pulled kicking and screaming all along the way?  How about you?  I know that for me, there is a lot of that, kicking and screaming.  Why can’t I just go…calmly following…in a gentle curve…headed always towards the goal?  Why must my road rival those of the Swiss Alps with so many twists, turns, and double backs along its path?  There are lots of ups and downs too.  Not much in the way of a flat level ride here.

It has taken 60 years for me to reach the place where I am tired of the all the twists and turns.  BUT, am I ready to give in, give up the struggle?  Now there is a question.  Am I really ready to give in to the Lord’s leading in my life or am I going to struggle with Him for control?  The funny thing is that I am happy with the direction He leads me, I just don’t like being told what I can and cannot do; thus the twists and turns. In some cases there are complete double backs and complete circles always going up or down in a spiral.

I think I am ready.  I think I am ready to allow Him to take control and lead and me to become a follower.  I am ready to stop struggling so much and see if following is easier and less stressful for me.

‘Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Lord, you tell me, as you told Simon Peter, to ‘Put out into the deep water.’ You are ready to surprise me with the depths I can find in myself, with the work you can do through me. Save me from complacency, from settling for a routine existence. Open me to recognizing your hand in my daily encounters.’  **

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