Thursday, August 05, 2010

So, what fires your passion?  What are you passionate about? 

I was asked this question recently and I had to take some time to think about my answer.  It is not an easy question to answer for me.  There are many things I care deeply about.  Many things can get me really riled up.   But passion?  What am I passionate about?
I did a word search on the internet and found that passion is a very complicated word.  Wikipedia, Websters and a host of other sources seem to all agree – the word originates with the writings of the life of Christ and it’s first English use is in the description of the dramatic time for Christ between the night in the Garden (weeping blood) and the crucifixion.   As I take a look at what Christ was enduring during those long hours alone – I cannot even begin to imagine or understand what that was like – the word seems to take on a whole new meaning.
What am I passionate about?  Wow.  I really am not sure what there is in my life that reaches this level.   So, where does that leave me?
I have a friend who is passionate to the point of being annoying some times.  He is a really outspoken Christian, devoted husband and father and he loves politics.  What a combination.  He is a mentor as well as an incredible friend.  He is someone you can count on if in need and you will find him praying about all that is going on around him.  Always!
He is passionate (in my estimation) about many things.  Mostly he is passionate about those things that have eternal value.  Humm.   
OK, so what am I passionate about?  No, let me reword that sentence.  What should I be passionate about?  Yes, I like that much better.  It is safer and it does not seem to demand quite the same negative response.  But, I am ducking the real issue, aren’t I.  What am I passionate about?
Injustice can get me worked up into frenzy really quickly.  I can become almost white hot in an instance when I sense an injustice is being handed out to me or those around me.  There are others too, but why is the condition of the souls around me not at the top of the list?  Why am I not passionate about the fact that I believe, if you do not believe that Jesus is the Christ and that He came and gave His life for you so you might live in eternity with Him?  Have I become so sensitized by the world that Christ’s love does not ignite a real passion in me any longer? 

I think I need to think a lot more about this.  I am beginning to think that this may be one of the paramount questions I will need to answer in my life or rather for my life.  Perhaps even, this might be THE question St. Peter will be asking about when he greets me at those pearly gates.

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