Here is a question that I have been struggling with for some time: Why does Sin have such a pull on the human spirit? We know that there are consequences for sinning. We know that it will not be pleasant when we have to fess up and pay the price for our sin. We even understand that our sin affects more that just we ourselves, i.e., family and friends and possibly innocent bystanders. Yet, we are still drawn to sin much like a moth is to fire.
Each of us has experienced having been drawn to something we know will be harmful to us and those around us. There are many things in each of our lives. Perhaps it is gossip, or using an illegal substance, or the way we treat others, or what we allow our selves to watch, or perhaps, even it is a clandestine meet up that we know will only bring hurt and anger. The list is endless. You can add your sin or sins to the list if you like.
So, back to my question. Why are we drawn to the thing we know will be unpleasant, harmful and in many cases downright disgusting? We have not even talked about introducing the God Factor yet. I mean, if we leave God out of the problem (not a good thing to do under any circumstance) and just look at the physical affects of doing something that we know is going to result in pain, injury or even fractured relationship with those whom we love, why do we do it? Why are we so drawn, so enamored? Why is it not repulsive? Why do we not instinctively turn and run away?
I do have a theory, and it is only a theory, that since we live in a society that does not believe in, nor practice, being held responsible for our actions, we dismiss the fact that there WILL be consequences and instead, shrug off the thought that it will hurt anyone but ourselves. Therefore in our minds we lessen the consequence and minimize it effect or perhaps even try to rationalize our actions as not hurting anyone else so therefore it is OK.
I am not a theologian, psychologist or theoretician and I have no experience here except for my own to draw from, but this type of thinking sounds like it will not end well. I already know that it does not feel well and that having so many questions is confusing at best. I want answers and not just theories or suggestions. I also want to understand without doubts why I believe what I believe.
So where do we go from here? No, where do “I” go from here?
My journey has now begun.
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