Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Would to God that All

"Would to God that all the party names and unscriptural phrases and forms which have divided the Christian world were forgot, and that we might all agree to sit down together, as humble, loving disciples, at the feet of our common Master, to hear His word, to imbibe His Spirit, and to transcribe His life in our own." (January 4, 1754 - John Wesley)

My son-in-law’s father put this quote on his Facebook page. For some reason it just struck me – humbly sitting down together – or rather sitting down together, humbly. There is a difference. The first implys individuals humbling themselves before meeting as an assembly of peers and the latter implies that the group humbles themselves collectively as they begin to contemplate an action.

How much better it would be if we were to follow this ageless direction for our lives as believers. Many things find ways to divide us and the real message gets lost in all our bickering. I was reminded in class yesterday of the importance of sharing the Good News with those around me to help ensure that they too have a chance to sit at the Masters feet and hear His word.

There is so much in this quote. ‘Would to God that all…’ Me, you, we are each included. It is collective and encompassing. But it is so much more. Not just those of us that are living and breathing beings, but the thoughts and ideals we hold do dear. Those same thoughts and idea, are what divide us, as we find it so difficult to reconcile the differentness of our thoughts, wisdoms and teachings on a given tenant or doctrine.

‘All that divides the Christian world’ – whew, that’s a lot! What is it that divides you and me? What are the issues that cause us to think ill of one another? What is it that keeps us from joining together as one to worship the Master and Savior together? Why are these things so important that we allow them to divide us? The easy answer is to blame it all on Satan. But somehow I think that, while he may hold some of the blame, I too, am indicted by my own actions and words. This is the most troubling part of the paradox for me.

“Me? How can that be? It’s not me, it’s them. I mean, just look at them carrying on and on deriding what I believe. How can they do that? No, how can they think that way? It’s just not right! How stupid can you g…?” And so on goes the conversation in my head. And what does it get me? A poke in the ribs from my wife…that’s just for starters. Actually, what it gets me is discouraged. Frustrated that we let such seemingly petty things get in the way of sharing the Good News and helping others to find Him, the One Who is Able to Save, the Redeemer. Somehow this conversation always casts a pall over spirit and my bright outlook gets dulled. That part IS Satan’s work. But I own the rest. Dwelling and continued contemplation on the differences and working myself up so I say angry words or begin to plot hurtful words to fling back. That part is ME.

Oh my, but I could go on for a long time. The me part again. BUT, this should be about HIM. What would He want me to do? In my heart I know what it is. He would, and does, want me to share - if we will let Him into our heart, lives and thoughts He promises that we will have eternal life with Him in return. It really is that simple.

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